Board of Trustees

Carole Armstrong-Hooper

Chairperson HOPE Cape Town Trust

Marketing Committee

Member of the Board of Expertise (ex officio)

Director Brandswitch Cape Town

Rotarian District 9350

Rev. Fr. Stefan Hippler

Founder and Trustee HOPE Cape Town Trust 

Co-founder HOPE Cape Town Association

Executive Board

Finance Committee

Focus: Marketing / Fundraising Europe / USA

Director HOPE Cape Town USA

Member of the Governing Board of the HOPE Kapstadt Stiftung

Catholic Priest

Prof. em. Monika Esser

Trustee (ex officio)

Co-Founder of HOPE Cape Town Association

Chairperson of the Board of Expertise 

Head of the Department of Immunology of the NHLS and the University of Stellenbosch (retired)

Dr. Dirk J Brand

Executive Board (Secretary)

Risk Management Committee

Extraordinary Senior Lecturer, School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University

Viola Klein


Chair of the Governing Board of the HOPE Kapstadt Stiftung

Member of the Board of Trustees of the German AIDS Foundation

Organizer of the HOPE Gala in Dresden

CEO – Saxonia System Holding

Honorary Consul of Finland in the Free State of Saxony

Petra Reichwein

Trustee (Treasurer)

Chair of the Finance Committee

Donor Liaison Europe

HOPE Cape Town Office Germany

Prof Bradley Slade


Risk Management Committee 

Associate Professor and Chair: Public Law Stellenbosch University

Themba Msimang


Project Manager: Industry and Sustainable Energy Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry NPC

Bob Groeneveld


Finance Committee

Focus: law, rules and regulations

Director of Fairbridges Wertheim Becker Attorneys

Lic. iur. Martin Hörnig


Finance Committee

Lawyer and Notary (Switzerland)

Calvan Daniels


Social Auxiliary Worker Student 
Facilitator focusing on Holistic Development for Youth at Risk 

Janine Horn


Finance Committee

Registered financial advisor

Founder of The Dragonfly Institute, a financial changemaking agency.

Advisory Board

of the HOPE Cape Town Trust

Anja Tambusso-Ferraz

Organiser of the Ball of HOPE (Cape Town)

Regional Representative (Western Cape) Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CT)

E. Joseph Kunzmann

Director and Chair of HOPE Cape Town USA

Retired Director of Somerset County Board of Social Services Milford NJ (USA)

Prof. Dr. Clinton A. Gould

Member of the Advisory Board HOPE Cape Town USA

Consultant – Education, Human Sexuality and HIV/AIDS

Erhard Fiebig

Member of the Advisory Board of HOPE Cape Town Trust

CEO of “Allstar Production Group”

Board of Expertise

HOPE Cape Town Association Board

Prof. em. Monika Esser


Head of the Department of Immunology of the NHLS and the University of Stellenbosch (retired)

Carole Armstrong-Hooper

Member of the Board of Expertise (ex officio)

Chairperson HOPE Cape Town Trust

Director Brandswitch Cape Town

Rotarian District 9350

Prof. Wolfgang Preiser

Board Member

Risk Management Committee Hope Cape Town Trust 

Head of the Division of Medical Virology at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Stellenbosch

Prof. Mark Cotton

Board Member

Founder of FAMCRU Tygerberg

Rev. Fr. Wim Lindeque

Board Member

Chairperson of Manenberg Aftercare Centre

Parish Priest of the Catholic Church in Stellenbosch

Albin Wagner

Board Member Focus: Rights

Risk Management Committee
Hope Cape Town Trust

Attorney at Bisset Boehmke McBlain Attorneys

Dr. Layo Seriki

Board Member

Focus area: Team building & HR

Organisational Consultant and Personal Development Coach

Dr. Deepthi Raju Abraham

Board Member

Head of Paediatric Rheumatology and Immunology clinical services at Tygerberg Hospital

Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health services at Stellenbosch University

Aniela Batschari

Board Member
Focus Area: Communication and M&E

Independent Consultant for Strategic Communication, Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning