2016, Archive|

HOPE for Babies

The care of HIV-positive children has changed in recent years to a more holistic approach and we care now for HIV-positive children in all wards of the Tygerberg Children’s Hospital. Doctors from Tygerberg Children’s Hospital approached us in 2015 with the request to extend our services to the maternity wards in Tygerberg Children’s Hospital.


The mother-to-child-transmission of HIV is the most common way to transmit the virus to the child. The child can be infected with the virus during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.


HOPE Cape Town has recognised the need for additional consultations and support for mothers during pregnancy and we would like to make sure that all mothers know their status during pregnancy. Mothers who do not know their status, get tested during pregnancy and childbirth and after childbirth to keep the risk of transmission of the virus from mother to the child as low as possible.