2015, Archive|

HOPE Doctors give Talk to Foster Parents

HOPE Cape Town’s doctors were invited by the NGO NORSA to talk to their foster parents about babies that are HIV exposed and/or HIV positive. The talk was given in the Bellville Methodist Church Hall and was well attended by approximately 20 people. All attendees listened attentively to the latest guidelines on the testing and management of babies born to HIV positive mothers. A lot of the foster parents face this situation on a regular basis and it is important that they are up to date in what the latest government guidelines are advising. As well as dealing with HIV we also educated the foster parents on the disease syphilis and its possible effects on babies born to mothers carrying syphilis. We ended off the 1, 5 hour session by doing a practical session on how to administer the different ARV syrups to babies. It was a highly successful morning with lots of education around ‘HIV and the infant’, given to an audience that was highly receptive!