HOPE Cape Town Trust Annual General Meeting
HOPE Cape Town Trust had its Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2015 at the Mediterranean Villa in Cape Town. During the AGM, Rev Father Stefan Hippler, Chair of the HOPE Cape Town Trust reported on the financial and general well-being of the Trust and reaffirmed the strong position and standing of the Trust. The board reaffirmed their commitment to the effective management and oversight of the Trust and attributed the success to date to prudent spending, careful investments and effective controls that have been established.
Dr Izane Reyneke, HOPE Cape Town Programme Coordinator, gave an overview of the state of HOPE Cape Town Association and gave feedback on current projects and the direction moving forward.
Mr Fahim Docrat, HOPE Cape Town Donor Relations Manager, gave an overview of fundraising to date, highlighting our reliance on German donors as our core funders while significant progress has been made with South African donors who will account for a larger percentage of income in the coming years. Marketing efforts have also yielded returns with increased visibility and awareness of HOPE Cape Town in South Africa due to the forging of significant local partnerships.
The outgoing treasurer, Prof Detlev Geiss was thanked for his many years of service and the new treasurer, Mrs Petra Reichwein, was welcomed and is now entrusted with this important position. The AGM was concluded on a high note with all in attendance committing to grow HOPE Cape Town and ensure we continue to positively impact the communities that we serve.