HOPE Cape Town Events
Under the motto “From classical to rock” the 7th successful HOPE GALA took place on the 27th of October 2012 in Dresden. Many national and international artists performed again this year, waiving their profit to make a personal contribution to the success of this charity event. For more information, see www.hopegala.de. A big thank you goes to the organizers and sponsors and especially to the main organizer Viola Klein.
Bellville library
A fair at the Bellville library took place from 15 to 22 September 2012. The library is visited of 45 000 people every month. The fair aimed to support small businesses and entrepreneurship in this area. HOPE Cape Town was invited to participate in this exhibition. Our health care worker Charlene Felix represented HOPE Cape Town. The fair was a great success, and we were able to raise the profile of HOPE Cape Town in this part of the metropole significantly.
Ball of HOPE
On 5 May 2012, the annual Ball of HOPE took place on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of HOPE Cape Town and the 60th anniversary of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce for Southern Africa at The Westin Cape Town. The event under the patronage of the three German-speaking consulates in Cape Town was once again a great success. We would like to thank all our guests and sponsors for attending and supporting our work. A special thank you goes to Anja Tambusso-Ferraz for all their time and effort put into the organization of the event.
Christmas Market for HOPE
Because it is currently wintry cold in Cape Town, the Mediterranean Villa will host on 29 July 2012, from 11h00, a Christmas market with homemade treats, charming gift ideas, lovingly designed crafts for the benefit of HOPE Cape Town. We thank Petra Reichwein and Monika Rosenkranz for the excellent idea and the commitment.