2012, Archive|

HOPE Cape Town – Donations

Mammies for HOPE

The project of “Mammies for HOPE” of Monika Rosenkranz was initiated in 2011. The project depends on the support of Mammies for Mammies. Monika Rosenkranz sponsors material for the mothers in the Ithemba ward to make bookmarks, bracelets and necklaces. This is done in groups led by Monika Rosenkranz and Sonia Daniels while their children sleep or are being entertained in the playroom. Bookmarks, bracelets and necklaces are sent to Mammies in Germany, who sell these on Christmas and other markets. We thank Monika and all involved “Mammies” for the wonderful idea!


Donation for research purposes

After a visit to HOPE Cape Town the BIPPOP Foundation from Lichtenstein has donated generously to HOPE Cape Town Trust for HIV/AIDS research. This donation will be allocated to benefit research projects of the University of Stellenbosch, in the field of HIV/AIDS.


Thank you!

HOPE Cape Town is very happy and grateful for the constant and tireless support of all the volunteers helping hands that regularly provide the young patients and their caregivers on the Ithemba station with food, blankets, toys, candy, clothes, and toiletries and much more. A big thank you goes to all these people, who give so much of their private time, their money and their energy, so that the children in the ward of Ithemba feel better.


A long-time volunteer worker is Marchelle Hendricks; who since 2007 supports HOPE Cape Town with donations and wherever needed. Furthermore, she is a great Ambassador for HOPE Cape Town in South Africa and wherever she travels in the world. A big thank you, Marchelle for your support!


HOPE Cape Town would not be where it is today if it wasn’t for the continuous support and donations from numerous individuals, institutions, associations and companies. A very heartfelt thank you goes to all the friends and supporters of our organization.


Especially we want to thank the Rotary Club Oostenberg for the continuous support of food parcels for the mothers at the Ithemba ward.


A special thank you goes to the Dinkel Bakery in Cape Town for the donation of sweets for the children at the Ithemba ward.