2011, Archive|

HOPE Cape Town inside

On 12 September 2011, Noëline de Goede will start as the new Director of HOPE Cape Town Association. A very warm welcome to her on behalf of the whole team! We are happy to welcome three new colleagues to our team. Since 1 April, Avril Toeloe has been working as the community health worker in Wesbank. Nombulelo Kama and Eva Coetzee are the new community health workers at the Durbanville Clinic and its satellite branch in Fisantekraal since 15 April.


As of March 2011, HOPE Cape Town will deploy a community health worker in Wesbank, a community directly adjacent to Delft and severely affected by HIV and TB. A new group of community health workers will commence their studies on “HIV & AIDS Care and Counselling” with UNISA (University of South Africa) shortly.


We currently have three volunteers working with us who donate their precious time helping on the Ithemba Ward and in our different projects. Thank you to Jutta, Kathrin and Ulla for your valued contributions.


The Annual General Meeting of the HOPE Cape Town Association was held on 21 January 2011. The Annual Report 2009/ 2010 was approved. Rev. Fr. Win Lindeque from the community of Manenberg was appointed as a new member to the HOPE Cape Town Board. Once again, HOPE Cape Town has been awarded a BBEEE (Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment) certificate, which can be viewed under “Downloads” on the HOPE Cape Town website.


As of February 2011, HOPE Cape Town has started implementing a restructuring process due to the organisational expansion with now three formal academic partnerships (University of Stellenbosch, Hochschule Niederrhein, TU München) and ever growing scope of work. HOPE Cape Town’s area of operations in the Western Cape Province meanwhile covers a wide variety of initiatives, ranging from grass root projects in the communities to e-learning and high profile academic research. To manage this, full-time employees on a senior management level are required as the volume of work is no longer manageable with a voluntary management committee alone. As part of the restructuring, the posts of the Project Supervisor and Training & Compliance Officer have been discontinued. Yasmin Smith is now Head of Programs and Pauline Jooste’s position has been changed to Outreach Facilitator. The HOPE Cape Town Management Committee has been transferred into a Board with portfolio committees. HOPE Cape Town is currently seeking to appoint a Director, who will be responsible for the overall management of the organisation.