
HOPE Cape Town Events

HOPE Gala Dresden

For the fifth consecutive year, Viola Klein, Saxonia Systems AG and – for the first time – the HOPE Kapstadt Stiftung have organised a charity gala in Dresden for the benefit of HOPE Cape Town together with many loyal sponsors and supporters. The HOPE Gala will take place on 30 October 2010 at the Schauspielhaus Dresden. As in the previous years, excellent entertainment and a range of popular artists are guaranteed. Please visit the following homepage: www.hopegala-dresden.de. Tickets are available under 0049-351-4864 2002 or online on www.sz-ticketservice.de


Ball of HOPE

On 22 May 2010, the annual Ball of HOPE took place at the Westin Grand Hotel Cape Town for the 13th time. The event under the patronage of the three German-speaking consulates in Cape Town was once again a great success. We would like to thank all our guests and sponsors for attending and supporting our work. A special thank you goes out to Anja Tambusso-Ferraz and Petra Reichwein for all their time and effort put into organising the event!


Bavaria meets Western Cape

From 9 until 18 June 2010, the Bavaria meets Western Cape Expo took place at the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town. Bavaria, Germany and Western Cape Province entered into a formal partnership agreement in 1995. HOPE Cape Town was instrumental in the development of the HIV and AIDS framework in the formal partnership in 2006. On the occasion of the partnership’s 15 year anniversary, the exhibition showcased the co-operation in its various dimensions together with musical performances, films and workshops as well as a public viewing opportunity for the soccer world championship. HOPE Cape Town was represented with several posters, an information stand, e-learning presentations as well as a workshop.


Charity Match for HOPE Cape Town

On April 17, the German football club Dynamo Dresden will play against a team from the city of Jena in a charity match for HOPE Cape Town. On this occasion, a promotional video featuring German singer Udo Lindenberg will premiere, in which he encourages people to donate to HOPE Cape Town via SMS. Our organization will also be the beneficiary of donations collected by the Udo Lindenberg Trust on the occasion of the Panic Music Award during the Herman Hesse Festival in the German town of Tuebingen (http://www.udo-lindenberg-stiftung.de). A warm thank you to Viola Klein and her team! On Saturday 22 May 2010, the annual Ball of HOPE will take place at the Westin Grand Hotel in Cape Town. We are looking forward to see many new and well-known faces there.